Tuesday, October 31, 2006

here go a random scan of my sketchbook =

Sunday, October 29, 2006

check out these sketchbook jewels! =


ALex harrison

here are some recent scans from my sketchbook =


Alex harrison

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

* me painting a mural (click on "My Scorching Hot Mural Business" for more)


Alex harrison

Monday, October 23, 2006

recent studio shots from today


ALex harrison

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This is a piece that I am currently working on from a series of five.
It is inspired by urban landscape.

22 x 30 charcoal on paper

Alex Harrison

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sketchbook Scan

above= popsicles and the psychology of skyscrapers

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

go to the SBM "Unwrapped" link to see this piece in action!


ALex harrison

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Here are a couple of recent Piggly Wiggly pieces.
(more to come)
Alex Harrison


I recieved a Daily Deviation over at the Devaintart site for this piece! on Friday the 13th!
I have been trying to get one of those for a while,
now I feel accomplished

this is the review I recieved =

To coincide with Friday the 13th, I'll give you a little scare with this awesome illustration. This, my friends, has come from one of the best galleries at deviantART, and it may well have been the hardest to choose from. The list of wicked works is nearly unending, and I urge you - right now - to go have a look. Add Wrong Turn Lunch Break by ~hyronomous to your favourites, and well, about 20+ other brilliant little goodies. Great stuff. (Featured by ^alchemism)

thanks alot for looking -
Alex Harrison

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

This is a recent sketchbook scan -

Abby Sinkee, DXL, Shinny stuff
yellow as love

Alex Harrison

I obtained these pictures of a show I was in in the spring.
I forgot to take pictures - luckily Susan Maakestad didn't.
The paintings hanging to the right of mine are Preston Drum's - www.prestonpaintings.com

Alex harrison

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Triple Stacked Cars - Microwave Bears - Red Skwawkers - polluted puddle pond


Alex Harrison

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

these are some concept sketches for the fall version of the Dinstuhl's Candy Store window murals.
I'll upload the finished pieces sometime early next week. I will be painting it this weekend.

Alex harrison

here is my first journalistic study of Piggly Wiggly (a supermarket like no other) -
I sat on the bench by the check out and wrote down some of the things people were saying.
I can't make this stuff up!

I will be doing this everyday for the next 2 weeks.


Alex Harrison

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I drew all of this in my sketchbook today

*Jesus magically creates sushi to eat.

*From 1956 to 1962, approximately 10,000 children were born with severe malformities, including phocomelia, because their mothers had taken thalidomide during pregnancy.[1]

*The feeling of the hangover manifested visually on recycled paper.


Alex Harrison