Monday, January 29, 2007

This is a small painting for a possible children's book commission.

Thanks for looking,

Alex harrison

Sunday, January 28, 2007

This is a recent sketch for Thieve's Jargon Press.

Alex harrison

Monday, January 15, 2007

This is an illustration I just did for Thieve's Jargon Press. This will be the cover of thier 3rd book.

Special Thanks to Matt for asking me to do it :)

I did this with pen and ink on a legal pad.

Alex harrison

This is the flyer for an upcoming Warble show to be had at the Decleyer Co-Op , 787 Elsworth, Memphis, TN.
I drew this with pens in my sketchbook, then colored it with photoshop.

Thanks Sincerely,
Alex harrison